1. Watch the Ball: One of the most important things to do when trying to hit a pitch is to keep your eyes on the ball. If you keep your eyes on the ball, your natural reaction when swinging a bat will be to bring your hands and bat towards the ball. And with practice, you will start to hit the ball. And the key is not to just watch the ball, but to watch it all the way to your bat. If you take your eyes off of the ball for even just a split second, you have a good chance of winging and missing.
2. Be Patient: When trying to hit a pitch, you have to be patient.
You can’t chase the ball outside and expect to hit it. You have to pick a pitch
that you want to hit, and try to look for that pitch. And that leads into the
next lesson.
3. Find Your Pitch: Every hitter has a certain pitch that they love to
see thrown towards them and a certain area where they like to see that pitch.
For me, it was a fastball or curve right below the waist. You have to find that
pitch for that you love to see and look for it and adjust from there.
4. Watch Your Step: When going to hit a pitch, you will raise your front
leg right as the pitch is getting ready to be thrown, in preparation of hitting
it. You do this because if you start your motion after the pitch, you won’t be
able to swing at it in time. Lifting your leg also starts your hip movement and
lets you drive your hips through the ball and drive it.
5. Open Your Stance: This part isn’t for everyone, but for me I would put
my front foot behind my back foot, so I could turn on a fastball quicker. Like
I said earlier, my favorite pitch to look for was a curve, which is slower than
a fastball. So, this lets me catch up to that faster pitch.
6. Follow Through: The last thing on the list that is key in not only
hitting a ball, but hitting a ball well. If you do everything above, but don’t follow
through on your swing, you just did a bunt. But, if you follow through on your
swing, you will drive the ball with power. Just like throwing a baseball, you
follow through. And you have to do the same when hitting.
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